August 29, 2024
You can now create custom fonts that you can save and reuse in every email within your teamspace. This is helpful for if you want to use font files hosted on platforms like Adobe Fonts, CDNFonts, or if you want to use font files that you're hosting on your own servers.
Custom fonts
To add new custom teamspace fonts you will have to open the 'font picker' in the email editor and click on the Add Font button within the 'Team' tab. A modal will open where you will have to input the internet address to the CSS file for your custom fonts, from Adobe Fonts, CDNFonts, etc. Tabular automatically creates custom fonts that you can use in your email design based on the @font-face declarations in the CSS file.
Fallback fonts
Only a subset of the major email clients support custom fonts in emails, which are Apple Mail, and Outlook on MacOS and iOS. Other major email clients like Gmail and Outlook on Windows don't support custom fonts, and therefore we have to specify fallback fonts that will be used instead when custom fonts are not supported. Within the font picker you can now navigate to the 'Fallback fonts' tab to select a list of fallback fonts. If you don't select a custom fallback stack, an automatic fallback stack will be used based on the type of the custom font (i.e. serif, sans-serif, script, etc.).