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September 13, 2023

Dynamic content and email variables

You can now more easily manage email variables and dynamic content in your emails. Mark variables in your text and specify example display values for a realistic view of your email while designing.

We've made several improvements that make it easier for you to manage email variables and dynamic content in your email templates.

Mark text as email variables

Email variables are placeholders within an email that will be automatically replaced with values you provide when you send the email. For example, you can define variables for parts of the message that are specific to each individual with personal information, such as the recipient's name.

You can now select your placeholder and mark it as a 'variable'.

Marked variables are visually distinct from normal text so it makes it easier to recognize and manage variables in your email.

You can specify an example display value for your variable that will be shown in the editor instead of the variable. This gives you a realistic view, while designing, what the email will look like when the variables are replaced with real values.

This is a first step towards creating a system that allows you to easily use and re-use personalization variables that work with your email service provider.

Make email blocks optional or repeatable

Instead of sending a generic, one-size-fits-all email, dynamic content allows you to tailor specific parts of the email to individual recipients, creating a more personalized and relevant experience.

Show or hide blocks for specific recipients

If your email service provider provides conditional statement templating markup, you can choose to show certain parts of your email for some while hiding them for others.

In the email editor, select the condition option on the Dynamic content section of an email block that you wish to render conditionally. As you can see you will have to provide the opening (if) statement markup and closing (end-if) statement markup.

Automatically repeat blocks using loops

If your email service provider provides for-loop statement templating markup, you can choose to have certain parts of your email to be added more than once. For example, if you run an ecommerce store, you would want to use this in an order confirmation email. You can use for-loops to dynamically render a variable number of products a customer ordered.

In the email editor, select the repetition option on the Dynamic content section of an email block you wish to repeat. As you can see you will have to provide opening (for-loop) statement markup and closing (end for-loop) statement markup.