
New updates and improvements to Tabular.

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June 13, 2023

Integrations with Acumbamail and VBOUT

We added integrations for automatic email template exports to Acumbamail and VBOUT.

How to export email templates to Acumbamail

In Tabular, go to any email that you’d like to upload to your Acumbamail account. Open the ‘Use email’ modal, and select the 'Export' tab from the available usage options. Search for the Acumbamail option, this will open a window that allows you to provide Tabular with permissions to automatically upload templates to your Acumbamail dashboard.

How to export email templates to VBOUT

In Tabular, go to any email that you’d like to upload to your VBOUT account. Open the ‘Use email’ modal, and select the 'Export' tab from the available usage options. Search for the VBOUT option, this will open a window that allows you to provide Tabular with permissions to automatically create campaigns to your VBOUT dashboard.

When you’re done you’ll be able to use your authorization in all your emails. One-click to upload any Tabular email and update the same email template with newer versions in the future.