March 4, 2025
Today, we've added a new functionality to Tabular that would help you to have automatic consistent styling in all emails throughout a teamspace.
With teamspace styles you can create a library of default styling for each type of block (headings, paragraphs, buttons, images, frames, links). You can use it to streamline your brand identity in terms of colors, spacing, and typography.
You can modify the default styles, but also create custom teamspace styles, for example 3 reusable variants of button styling (e.g. a red button style, black button style, blue button style).
For example, this is the styling menu to 'Customize' an individual block:
But we can also modify the underlying default Paragraph styling, by clicking on 'Edit style':
Modifications to the default Paragraph styling are stored to the Teamspace Library, automatically synchronized and used in every email document within that Teamspace. This allows for automatic consistent brand identity styles across all email designs:
As mentioned you can similarly create and save custom teamspace styles for each type of block that you can reuse in every email within your teamspace. Perfect for if you have for example various heading, paragraph or button variants that you want to reuse in several emails throughout your teamspace.
Whenever you make any changes to these default and custom teamspace styles they are automatically synchronised to all your other emails when you open them. This means that you can now easily keep your brand identity consistent over all your emails.