September 17, 2024
Tabular has just been added to Mailercloud's integrations page as an official integration.
You can view our official listing on Mailercloud's website here. Or learn more about how our Mailercloud integration works on our integration page.
September 3, 2024
You can now easily wrap text blocks in numbered or bulleted lists. When you select a piece of text in a text block (e.g. paragraph or heading block), the text editing toolbar shows two list options: numbered and bulleted lists.
We've built in some easy user experience cases for handling lists:
September 2, 2024
You can now specify a Basic Auth Username and Password that will be send as Basic Auth header whenever you export your emails via our webhook integration.
August 29, 2024
You can now create custom fonts that you can save and reuse in every email within your teamspace. This is helpful for if you want to use font files hosted on platforms like Adobe Fonts, CDNFonts, or if you want to use font files that you're hosting on your own servers.
Custom fonts
To add new custom teamspace fonts you will have to open the 'font picker' in the email editor and click on the Add Font button within the 'Team' tab. A modal will open where you will have to input the internet address to the CSS file for your custom fonts, from Adobe Fonts, CDNFonts, etc. Tabular automatically creates custom fonts that you can use in your email design based on the @font-face declarations in the CSS file.
Fallback fonts
Only a subset of the major email clients support custom fonts in emails, which are Apple Mail, and Outlook on MacOS and iOS. Other major email clients like Gmail and Outlook on Windows don't support custom fonts, and therefore we have to specify fallback fonts that will be used instead when custom fonts are not supported. Within the font picker you can now navigate to the 'Fallback fonts' tab to select a list of fallback fonts. If you don't select a custom fallback stack, an automatic fallback stack will be used based on the type of the custom font (i.e. serif, sans-serif, script, etc.).
August 22, 2024
We've added the option to easily save default link styles or reusable link styles for links within text blocks. When you open the link menu where you can alter the URL you can now click on the 'Style link' option. This will open up a styling menu specifically for that link where you can override its styling. Next to that you can choose to save the style as the default style for all links within your email. You can also save the style as a custom document style and reuse it somewhere else in your email.
August 22, 2024
We've added auto width and fixed width options to the image block, button block, and text blocks.
Auto width
When you set a block to have auto width, the width of the block will be determined by its contents. For example, when you set a button block to auto width, the button will automatically scale in width while you type more text into the button.
Fixed width
When you set a block to have fixed width, the width of the block will fixed to the pixel value that you give it. For example, if you have a two columns — an image block next to a text block — and you want to force the image block to keep a fixed width, while the text block will become smaller when the email is resized to fit a smaller screen size.
Max width
If you set this option, the pixel value will be the maximum width of the block. This means that the block will always try to fill up available space to a maximum width, and resize itself to a smaller width if the available space is less than the maximum width.
May 5, 2024
You can now justify text as part of the text alignment options. When you "justify" text in an email, you give your text straight edges on both sides of the paragraph. Justifying spaces out each line of your text within a paragraph or heading block from the left edge to the right edge within the block, except for the last line.
April 25, 2024
You can now save default styling settings for all blocks and add custom styles that you can re-use throughout your email. Use the 'Apply to all blocks with this style' switch to instantly update all blocks that use the same style.
Instantly make styling changes to blocks of the same type by having the Apply to all blocks with this style switch on.
Create custom block styles, and instantly make styling changes to all blocks using that custom style.
April 25, 2024
We've added support for more common text editing keyboard shortcuts to Tabular's text editors.
Text editing has just become more intuitive. Use your common keyboard commands for inserting linebreaks, deleting next characters, deleting previous word, and deleting the whole line.
Action | Keyboard command |
Linebreak | Shift ⇧ + Enter |
Deleting next character | Delete key |
Deleting previous word | Option ⌥ + Backspace ⌫ (on MacOS), Alt + Backspace ⌫ (on others) |
Deleting line | Command ⌘ + Backspace ⌫ (on MacOS), Control + Backspace ⌫ (on others) |
April 25, 2024
Quickly re-use colors that you've previously used in your email.
The color picker now shows all colors that are present in your email. Click on any of them to use.