Ecommerce email templates

Unlock the potential of your ecommerce business with our free, customizable templates for every stage of the customer journey. From welcome emails to abandoned cart reminders, power up your email marketing and drive conversions.

Offers - single post


Order delivered


Tech products template


Order confirmation


Order confirmation


Abandoned cart - discount offer


Welcome to membership


Payment confirmation notification


Fashion - latest collection template


Outdoor hiking gear template


Abandoned cart


Black Friday Promotion


Holiday sale offer template


New Year Sale discount offer


Abandoned cart - discount offer


Holiday Deals Products


Winter Gift Guide


Happy New Year


Ecommerce emails are a type of digital communication that online businesses use to engage with their customers, promote products or services, and drive sales. These emails are typically sent to individuals who have subscribed to the business's mailing list or have made a purchase on their website. Ecommerce emails encompass various types of messages, such as promotional offers, product recommendations, order confirmations, shipping notifications, abandoned cart reminders, post-purchase follow-ups, and newsletters. They serve as a direct and personalized communication channel between the business and the customer, aiming to provide valuable information, foster customer relationships, and encourage repeat purchases. Effective ecommerce emails leverage design, compelling content, personalization, and strategic calls-to-action to deliver relevant and engaging messages that drive customer engagement and ultimately boost sales.

Shopify, Klaviyo, WooCommerce, you name it, we support it

Our email templates are versatile and customizable, making them a perfect fit for your ecommerce email service provider (ESP) like Shopify, Klaviyo, or WooCommerce. When you create your email templates with Tabular, you can take advantage of the powerful personalization features offered by these platforms to create tailored and engaging email campaigns.

With our email template editor, you can easily utilize the personalization variables provided by your ESP. These variables allow you to dynamically insert customer-specific information into your emails, such as their name, purchase history, or browsing behavior. By leveraging these variables within our editor, you can create personalized and relevant content that resonates with your recipients.

Whether you want to address each recipient by their first name, recommend products based on their previous purchases, or send targeted offers based on their browsing history, our email templates are designed to seamlessly integrate with your ESP's personalization features. Simply customize the template and insert the appropriate personalization variables in the relevant sections of your email.

By using our email templates with your ESP's personalization variables, you can enhance the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Personalized emails have been proven to generate higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, as they provide a tailored experience for each recipient. Take advantage of our customizable templates and ESP integration to deliver engaging and personalized content to your customers, ultimately driving better results for your ecommerce business.