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Email Templates for Klaviyo

Browse beautiful responsive HTML email templates for Klaviyo, and customize them using our drag-and-drop email builder. No coding skills required.

Create high-performing, quality emails — quickly.

Design high-performing email templates for Klaviyo in minutes, using our email template builder — send them using Klaviyo.

Full control over mobile email design

Create a drastically different version of your email template for mobile email viewers.

Use Klaviyo email variables

Use Klaviyo's variables to add personalization.

Re-use building blocks

Create reusable email blocks to speed-up the email building process.

Upload directly to Klaviyo

Create and update email templates for Klaviyo from within our email editor.

Email Templates for Klaviyo logo

Drag-and-drop email builder for Klaviyo

Tabular is a drag-and-drop email builder that allows you to quickly design email templates from scratch or with the help of hundreds of professionally designed email templates for Klaviyo. With Tabular, you can create your own custom responsive HTML emails and export them to Klaviyo to send them to your email subscribers.

How to export a template to Klaviyo?

In Tabular, go to any email that you’d like to upload to your Klaviyo account. Open the Use email modal, and select the Integrations tab. Search for the Klaviyo option, this will open a modal. Click on the button Add authorization.

Now, a popup should have opened where Klaviyo requests you to log in, and then if you want to allow Tabular to access the Accounts and Templates information for your account. Tabular requires the Accounts information to setup the integration and the Templates information to create and update email templates. Click on Allow. The popup will now close, and if everything went succesful, you should see your Klaviyo authorization in the Your authorized integrations section.

To create a Klaviyo email template based on your Tabular email:

  1. Click on the Connect to > Templates button that is visible in your Klaviyo authorization. You can see your authorization when you click on Use email > Integrations in the email builder.
  2. After the email has been synced to Klaviyo, you will see a connection item under the Your email is currently connected to section.
  3. This connection item is a reference to your Klaviyo template. You can click on the Upload email button inside of the reference item to overwrite the connected Klaviyo email template with an updated version.